When it comes to event sites, it’s important to consider all aspect of the sites for the event you plan on hosting. This includes the ground surface and how that impacts the activities you have planned. We’re going to do go through each popular event site surface and discuss the pros and cons of them with regards to production. If you are hiring a stage, it’s important to come at this from a health and safety point of view.
This is by far the most popular event site surface used for outdoor events. Whether it be parkland or open fields, it’s a popular choice for larger festivals and events.
If the ground is well established and has been used to events, it’s a great choice as it means you can have a ground supported stage, such as our arc truss stage which needs pinning into the ground to ensure it is safe to use. You can also use our trailer stages on this surface which means there’s plenty of flexibility and options for you to choose from.
Watch out for newly laid grassland though, that has been used for other purposes such as farming, you will need to make additional checks. As the ground might have been aerated, it won’t be as stable as mature grassland. This doesn’t mean you can’t use it, but you might need to put additional measures in place.
With grass surfaces, it’s important to consider the effects the weather may have on it. Heavy rain could affect the stability of the ground and flooding may make the stage unusable. It will be imperative to have a contingency in place for this, which may mean cancelling the event if the rain is excessive.
Grass surfaces affords you more flexibility but considering the implication of that is imperative.
Concrete is another type of event surface, particularly used in sites designed for event purposes. This can be a great alternative to grass as it offers a more stable surface for your activities and audience. It won’t be affected by excessive rain and will be less of a health and safety risk. However, when it comes to the production side of things, it changes your options.
The trailer stage is still a great stage for hard standing as it doesn’t need to be pinned into the ground to be safe to use, however if you wanted to the arc truss stage, then this will limit your options. If not ground supported, the stage will need to be weighed down with large water containers, which are both cumbersome and expensive to fill. If budget is not an issue though, then your options are more open.
Concrete may be the best option for the health and safety of your guests and staging if the weather isn’t favourable, but it’s worth considering other options.
Gravel may be a good option for a stable surface for your event, but again it comes with similar issues to concrete. Any ground supported stages will need water ballasts to be safe and secure, but trailer stages are a good alternative. Gravel provides good drainage for water and won’t turn your event site into a slip and slide if the heavens decide to open.
Whatever your event surface, we have options and equipment to work on all of them. You can also hire event flooring to help if you are concerned. There are different options, such as artificial grass, track matting or carpet for inside marquees. These may not help for your staging, but it can help with the health and safety side of the rest of the event.
Give us a call today to chat through your event site and what we can recommend.
Koncept Productions Ltd
Unit 11, Vision Business Park
Preston Place
Upper Caldecote
SG18 9GQ
01462 529009
Herts Stage Hire is part of the
Koncept Production LTD brand.
Covering Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and the rest of the UK.